Best IELTS Coaching Institute in Hyderabad

Careerpedia is the best IELTS coaching institute in Hyderabad, providing IELTS Coaching to help you achieve your desired IELTS score. Join Careerpedia, the best IELTS coaching institute in Hyderabad

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Full Length Mock Test

Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking


What is IELTS?

IELTS is a globally-recognized standardized test that assesses the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers. A high band score on IELTS reflects your readiness to study or work in an English-speaking country.
Know more

Meet your Mentors


IELTS Mentor

Unlock your language potential with our seasoned mentor. A graduate in Literature and CELTA certified by Cambridge University, her expertise ensures top-notch guidance for your IELTS journey. Reach your goals with confidence - start your coaching today!


Speaking Evaluator

Embark on linguistic excellence with Adam, a TEFL-certified educator. With expertise in IELTS speaking evaluations, his dynamic teaching ensures precise guidance towards mastery. Begin your journey to language proficiency today!


Speaking Evaluator 

Embark on a journey to linguistic mastery with Alina, a seasoned speaking evaluator and CELTA certified educator. Graduated with a joint honors degree in English language and literature, Alina brings a wealth of expertise to her role.

Debatri Ray

Training Specialist

Unlock your IELTS potential with Debatri Ray, our experienced mentor. As the creator of all Careerpedia videos, she specializes in English education for Bachelor's Program students at London Management Academy. Start your coaching journey today for success!
Education Investment Abroad Prestige
Explore the journeys and triumphs of our talented students. Discover how Careerpedia has shaped their futures and aspirations.
Involves practicing English language skills in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.
02 Profile Building
Help students stand out during study abroad applications by showcasing their qualifications and suitability for international programs.
03  Financial Guidance
Receive expert financial guidance for a secure and successful academic journey abroad
04 Shortlisting the Colleges
researching and selecting institutions that align with one's academic goals, preferences, and criteria.
05  VISA Application
Seamless visa process for abroad education with expert guidance and support
06 Pre-Departure Preparation
Efficient pre-departure prep for a smooth study abroad experience with confidence and guidance
IELTS Reading
This test assesses your ability to understand and extract information from written texts.
IELTS Writing
In the IELTS test, the Writing Test is a crucial part that assesses your ability to express yourself in writing.
IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking test to assess how well you can talk and communicate in English. It is a face-to-face interview.
IELTS Listening
The IELTS Listening assesses your ability to understand spoken English in various everyday situations.

IELTS Training

The Careerpedia IELTS course is your passport to international opportunities. It's a meticulously designed program that equips you with the language skills needed for success in English-speaking countries.

IELTS Online Course

Our course is designed to equip you with the skills and confidence needed to succeed.
Top IELTS Trainers

Learn from Best IELTS Trainers, Get an exclusive mentor to guide you throughout the IELTS online preparation journey.

Practice Tests

Get 120+ IELTS Mock Tests with Speaking and writing evaluations by experts.

Best Learning Experience

Online live doubt sessions for 2 hours and 4 month access to recorded lectures.

Personalized Guidance with Targeted Programs

We ensure that everyone gets personal attention and guidance from the IELTS trainers.

Flexible Timings

Select IELTS online classes that suit your schedule. Join weekday or weekend batches suitable to your timings.

Daily Doubts Solving

Additional doubt resolving sessions on a daily basis.

Online IELTS Classes
Daily Stand-up Call
Offline IELTS Mock Test

Skill Set

Seize the opportunity to enroll in Careerpedia's  program today,
igniting an innovative path toward your future success

UIUX Design
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See Programs
Web Development
See Programs
See Programs
QA Testing
See Programs
See Programs
Data Science
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See Programs

Affordable pricing plans

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  • All analytics features
  • Up to 250,000 tracked visits
  • Normal support
  • Mobile app
  • Up to 3 team members


Starting at
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Get started
  • Everything on Growth plan
  • Up to 5,000,000 tracked visits
  • Dedicated support
  • Mobile app
  • Up to 50 team members


Join the Careerpedia community and dive into the engaging testimonialsfrom our students, as they offer valuable insights and experiences.

"The hands-on training excellence not only enriched my skill set but also instilled confidence in applying theoretical knowledge to practical situations."


Full stack Developer

"Careerpedia provided an immersive learning experience, balancing theory with hands-on projects that mirrored real-world scenarios."

Jadhav Pranay Singh

UIUX Developer

"The supportive faculty and collaborative atmosphere fueled my passion for technology, making each class a stepping stone to success."

B Venkaiahnaidu

Frontend Developer

"I am grateful for the personalized mentorship, which transformed complex subjects into manageable, practical skills applicable in my daily work."

Abhishek Maddala

UIUX Developer

"The comprehensive placement assistance ensured a seamless transition from learning to securing a rewarding position in the IT sector."

Yugender Senkepally

UIUX Developer

"The course's structure allowed me to explore and master diverse subjects, providing a well-rounded foundation for my career."


UIUX Designer

"Constructive feedback from instructors guided my growth, turning challenges into opportunities for improvement."

Devendar Reddy

UIUX Designer

"I appreciated the emphasis on continuous learning, which has become a cornerstone of my professional development."

Vijaya Sree

Front end Developer

Mobile app
Desktop app
Multiple users

Frequently asked Questions

Quick answers to common questions

Overview of IELTS coaching institute in Hyderabad?

IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is a widely recognized English language proficiency test. It assesses the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is the language of communication. The test evaluates four skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Scores are reported on a scale from 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest proficiency level. Many universities, employers, immigration authorities, and professional bodies around the world accept IELTS coaching institute in Hyderabad scores as proof of English proficiency.

Listening: This section evaluates your ability to understand spoken English in various contexts. You'll listen to recordings of conversations, monologues, and discussions. These recordings cover a range of topics and may include multiple speakers with different accents. You'll need to answer a series of questions based on what you hear, such as identifying main ideas, specific details, opinions, or the speaker's attitude.

Reading: The reading section assesses your ability to comprehend written English texts. You'll encounter passages from books, newspapers, journals, magazines, or online sources. These texts cover a wide range of topics, including academic, general, and workplace-related subjects. You'll need to answer different types of questions, such as multiple-choice, matching headings to paragraphs, True/False/Not Given, and completing sentences or summaries.

Writing: In the writing section, you'll demonstrate your ability to express yourself effectively in written English. It consists of two tasks in IELTS coaching institute in Hyderabad

  • Task 1: You'll be presented with a visual representation of information, such as a graph, chart, table, or diagram. Your task is to describe the key features, trends, and comparisons depicted in the visual and provide a summary in your own words.
  • Task 2: You'll write an essay in response to a prompt. This prompt typically requires you to express and support your opinion on a given topic, discuss a problem and propose solutions, or analyze arguments for and against a particular viewpoint. You'll need to organize your ideas coherently, develop them logically, and use appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures.

Speaking: The speaking test assesses your ability to communicate orally in English. It consists of a face-to-face interview with an examiner and is divided into three parts in IELTS coaching institute in Hyderabad.

By excelling in each of these sections, candidates can demonstrate their proficiency in the English language across various skills and contexts.

Each section is designed to assess different language skills, and together they provide a comprehensive evaluation of your English proficiency.

Purpose and Use of IELTS coaching institute in Hyderabad

IELTS coaching institute in Hyderabad is used by individuals for various purposes such as:

  • Academic: Applying for higher education programs at universities and colleges where English is the medium of instruction.
  • Professional: Seeking employment opportunities in English-speaking countries or organizations.
  • Immigration: Applying for visas or permanent residency in countries where English language proficiency is required.
Benefits of Joining Caeerpedia's IELTS Coaching Institute in Hyderabad?

Are you looking for the best IELTS Coaching Institute in Hyderabad?

Careerpedia is one of the best IELTS Coaching Institute in Hyderabad. Provide best guidance and mentoring in IELTS Coaching. Here are some benefits of Careerpedia’s IELTS Coaching.

  • Focused Learning with Dedicated Mentor: Careerpedia’s IELTS Coaching Institute in Hyderabad provides personalized attention and guidance from dedicated mentors who understand your unique learning needs. This ensures that you receive tailored support to address your strengths and weaknesses effectively.
  • Targeted Progress: With Careerpedia’s IELTS Coaching Institute in Hyderabad, you can track your progress systematically, allowing you to focus on specific areas that require improvement. This targeted approach helps you make consistent progress towards achieving your desired IELTS score.
  • Vocabulary & Grammar Lessons: Careerpedia offers comprehensive lessons on vocabulary and grammar, providing you with the essential foundation needed to excel in all sections of the IELTS exam.
  • Vocabulary & Grammar Practice Questions: Careerpedia IELTS Coaching Institute in Hyderabad offers regular mock tests that simulate the IELTS exam environment. Instant scorecards provide immediate feedback on your performance, enabling you to identify areas for improvement and track your progress over time.
  • Weekly Mock Tests & Instant Scorecards: Careerpedia IELTS Coaching Institute in Hyderabad offers regular mock tests that simulate the IELTS exam environment. Instant scorecards provide immediate feedback on your performance, enabling you to identify areas for improvement and track your progress over time.
  • Native English Speakers for IELTS Speaking Test: Interacting with native English speakers during the speaking test preparation helps you develop authentic language skills and pronunciation, enhancing your confidence and fluency in spoken English.
  • Video Classes & Mock Tests Prepared by Specialized Professionals: Careerpedia's IELTS Classes and mock tests are developed by specialized professionals with expertise in IELTS preparation. This ensures that the content is accurate, relevant, and effective in helping you succeed in the exam.
  • Choose the Difficulty Level of the Test: Careerpedia allows you to customize your learning experience by choosing the difficulty level of the tests as you progress through the IELTS course. This flexibility ensures that the course adapts to your evolving skills and needs.
  • Mentor Assistance After the Course Duration: Careerpedia IELTS Coaching Institute in Hyderabad offers continued mentor assistance even after completing the course. This demonstrates a commitment to your success and provides ongoing support as you work towards achieving your goals.

Achieve Your Target IELTS Score: Personalized Support from Careerpedia

Getting ready gives you the abilities, assets, and assistance you need to reach your full potential and ace the test. Careerpedia assists you in developing the abilities and self-assurance necessary to get the IELTS score you want with individualized coaching, thorough study materials, and frequent practice sessions.

Age Limit?

IELTS Test is not recommended for candidates under 16 years. However, if they wish to take the test, they may.

Can I retake only one module in IELTS?

You can retake any one section of the IELTS test, whether it is Listening, Reading, Writing, or Speaking.

How long is an IELTS score valid?

An IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) is valid for two (2) years.

What are the pass marks in the IELTS test?

There is no pass or fail criteria in the IELTS test. Majorly, IELTS test is purposed to scale the English language proficiency of the applicant.

How many times can I take the IELTS test in a year?

There is no limit to take the IELTS test. Thus, you can take the test as many times as you can to reach the targeted score.

What happens if I am unable to appear for the test?

In the event a registered candidate fails to appear for their IELTS test, the candidate is deemed an absentee and a refund will not be applicable.

How often is an IELTS or IELTS Life Skills test available?

For IELTS and IELTS Life Skills, test dates will be available within 28 days of booking your test.

What is the registration fee in India?

In India, the fees of IELTS for one attempt is Rs.17,000/-.

Animated Timeline

Made for the Webflow community

We use this timeline component to tell the Relume story, but we think it can be used to communicate a process, a product roadmap, a company’s history or a story.

The story of how we got started on Webflow

Relume was started by two guys with the same mission.
Our story starts 8 years ago... Strap in.

January 2012
Co-founder Dan finishes the economics degree he promised his mum he’d complete, only to never use it and start his own clothing business (love you mum).
June 2016
Adam catches wind of Dan’s early success and slides into his DM offering help. Dan politely accepts.
August 2017
After collectively failing a number of business ventures, Dan and Adam finally have their first break. Together they build Lumio with a team of 7 other legends.

Lumio, previously called Foenix, was a social media analytics company that helped brands like Audi, David Jones and Red Balloon source legitimate influencers for social media campaigns.

“We were essentially the Instagram police and called out fake influencers left, right and centre. It was fun and all, but there is only so many bikini chicks you can look at on Instagram before you start losing your mind.”

Dan, Co-founder and CEO of Lumio

April 2018
Lumio gets acquired by German company, Influencer DB. Yeww! 🎉

“After this, we both took up golf on during the week and started eating fancy dinners at the local Country Club... Ha. This is not what happened at all. We suck at golf and love eating Guzman Y Gomez.”

Adam, Co-founder of Lumio

June 2018
Dan is shipped off to work with ze Germans as Head of Product at Influencer DB.

Adam decides to stay in Sydney and cut his teeth as a Product Designer with one of Sydney's leading design studios.

Whilst in Germany, Dan worked with with brands such as Daniel Wellington and BMW - Ja!

Adam worked with clients like Vodafone, TAFE NSW, Adobe and also won the 'Good Design Australia' award for his work on the Seatfrog website.

November 2019
After spending time apart, Dan and Adam begin to plan their next moves and rekindle their business partnership.

The name "Relume" is born.



To relight or rekindle (a light, flame, etc.)

January 2020
Dan moves back to Sydney to join a Global startup incubator called Antler. He convinces Adam to join him.
April 2020
🚀 relume launches
For various reasons, Dan and Adam decide to turn down a $100,000 investment from Antler and start their own business venture, without taking outside investment.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

June 2020
After building 11 websites on Webflow in under 6 weeks as a way to test a number of business ideas, Dan and Adam decide to stick to what they know best and launch Relume - a company that designs and builds beautiful Webflow websites.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

Today Relume is a team run by two guys with the same mission in life - To wake up every day with a choice to do what we love to do, build meaningful relationships and do great work.

You've heard our story, it's now time for the world to hear yours.

clone this timeline