Learn Software Testing Course in Hyderabad

Join our Software Testing Course in Hyderabad to gain in-depth knowledge in both manual and automation testing.

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Why should you take the Software Testing course ?
Careerpedia courses ignite skills, careers, and creative possibilities, ensuring lifelong success and personal fulfillment.
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Personal Growth
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continuous learning
Software Testing Course Curriculum
Careerpedia's curriculum is a dynamic roadmap, merging cutting-edge knowledge, practical tools, and valuable connections to guide students on transformative learning journeys
  • Introduction
  • SDLC
  • STLC
  • SDLC Models
  • Static & Dynamic Testing
  • Types Of Testing
  • Testing Design Techniques
  • Test Planning, Design & Execution
  • Defects/Bugs
  • Test Deliverables
  • Test Matrix
  • 7 Principles of Software Testing
  • Agile Methodology
  • Basics of Java
  • Class, Objects, and Types of Classes
  • Packages, Data Types in Java
  • Variables, Constraints, and Literals
  • Methods, Constructor in Java
  • Modifiers in Java
  • Static Keyword
  • Final Keyword
  • Inner Class in Java
  • Static Keyword
  • String
  • Super and this keyword
  • Loops and conditional statements
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • Collections
  • Exceptional handling
  • Java Streams
  • Multi-Threading
  • Selenium Introduction
  • Locators & Techniques
  • Selenium Web Driver
  • Waits/Synchronization in Selenium Web driver
  • Automate Ajax/Mouse/Keyboard keys, Child Windows and iFrames
  • Selenium 4.0 Features
  • TestNG Framework
  • Framework 1 - Creating Maven project with end to end test
  • Framework 2 - Page Objects & Factory implementation
  • Framework 3 - Excel data driven testing execution
  • Framework 4: POM/Data Driven with Extent HTML Reports
  • Framework 5: TestNG Configuration with parallel runs, Data Providers with JSON File
  • Coding Standards
  • Git & Github
  • Introduction
  • Terminologies & Types of API
  • Introduction & Installation of Postman
  • Uses of Postman
  • Postman Navigation
  • JSON
  • Environment Setup & HTTP Requests
  • API Response Params
  • Collections
  • Variables
  • Scripts/Validations
  • Authorizations
Software Testing Course Tools
Access a suite of cutting-edge tools and resources at Careerpedia, enhancing your learning experience and ensuring you're well-prepared for the future.
Access a suite of cutting-edge tools and resources at Careerpedia, enhancing your learning experience and ensuring you're well-prepared for the future.
Meet Your Mentor
Guidance you can trust. Connect with experienced mentors at Careerpedia for personalized career advice and insights.
QA Automation Testing
Jagadish Rothulla, one of our esteemed mentors at Careerpedia, is a seasoned professional with a passion for nurturing talent. With a wealth of experience in their field, Jagadish provides tailored guidance to help you excel in your educational and career endeavours. His personalized approach and deep industry knowledge make him an invaluable resource for your journey. Jagadish is dedicated to offering practical advice, sharing insights, and motivating you to reach your full potential. With Jagadish as your mentor, you'll gain a trusted partner in your pursuit of academic and professional success.

Process of Careerpedia

From enrolment to placement, our streamlined process ensures a smooth journey toward your academic and career goals

Demo Section

Students will be given a brief outlook of their respective courses. In this particular session students will get to know what kind of software's they are going to use, How training sessions are going to be conducted, How they are going to evaluate themselves going further.

  • Students will be given a brief outlook of their respective courses.
  • In this particular session students will get to know what kind of software they are going to use.
  • How training sessions are going to be conducted.
  • How they are going to evaluate themselves in future.


  • Orienting new students to the organization. It encompasses all activities and procedures that help new students become more productive.
  • Here students will be given access to the necessary tools, software's, resources required for the training.
  • Students will engage with their respective mentors.

Orienting new students to the organization. It encompasses all activities and procedures that help new students become more productive Here students will be given access to the necessary tools, software's, resources required for the training, Students will engage with their respective mentors.


  • Mentors will observe the students during class activities, discussions, understanding and active participation in the tasks.
  • Mentors will help in achieving academic success and also share continuous feedback.
  • Mentors also provide guidance, support and advice to less experienced students.

Mentors will observe the students during class activities, discussions, understanding and active participation in the tasks. Mentors will help in achieving academic success also shares continuous feedback.

Test Assignment

  • The test will be conducted weekly once on their respective courses.
  • It can help students to identify their strengths and weaknesses so they can focus on areas that need improvement.
  • Successfully completing tasks and achieving good grades will boost students' confidence.

The test will be conducted weekly once on their respective courses, it can help students to identify their strengths and weaknesses so they can focus on areas that need improvement.

Communication Club

  • Communication Club will be taken daily for the students.
  • Students will receive their respective scores and suggestions.
  • It will help students for active participation in the real time interviews.

Communication Club will be taken daily for the students. Students will receive their respective score and suggestions.

Mock Interviews

  • Mock Interviews will be taken every Friday.
  • It helps you to develop interview strategies, enhance your communication skills, and ease the nerves that many experience before an actual job interview.
  • Mock interviews may be conducted by professionals or recruiters in the field.

Mock Interviews will be taken on every Friday. It helps you to develop interview strategies, enhance your communication skills, and ease the nerves that many experiences before an actual job interview.

Profile Building

After completing the 70% of course, mentors will assist the students on profile building like,
  • Portfolio, Resume & LinkedIn profile building

After completing the 70% of course. Mentors will assist the students on profile building like, Portfolio, Resume and LinkedIn profile.

Job Portal

  • After completion of profile building, the job portal access will be given to students.
  • It simplifies the job search process.
  • The job assistance will be up-to one year.

After completion of profile building, the job portal access will be give to students. It simplify the job search process, The job assistance will be up to one year.


Join the Careerpedia community and dive into the engaging testimonials from our students, as they offer valuable insights and experiences.
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What Students Says about Careerpedia

At Careerpedia, we take great pride in our students success. Here's what some of our current and former students have to say about their experiences with us
Venkaiah Naidu
React Developer at fusionAIx
Careerpedia truly transformed my career journey. The guidance and resources here are exceptional, and I owe my success to their unwavering support.
Vamsi kommanapalli
Full Stack Developer
Careerpedia truly transformed my career journey. The guidance and resources here are exceptional, and I owe my success to their unwavering support.
Vijaya Sree
Frontend Developer
Careerpedia truly transformed my career journey. The guidance and resources here are exceptional, and I owe my success to their unwavering support.


Join the Careerpedia community and dive into the engaging testimonials from our students, as they offer valuable insights and experiences.

"The hands-on training excellence not only enriched my skill set but also instilled confidence in applying theoretical knowledge to practical situations."


Full stack Developer

"Careerpedia provided an immersive learning experience, balancing theory with hands-on projects that mirrored real-world scenarios."

Jadhav Pranay Singh

UIUX Developer

"The supportive faculty and collaborative atmosphere fueled my passion for technology, making each class a stepping stone to success."

B Venkaiahnaidu

Frontend Developer

"I am grateful for the personalized mentorship, which transformed complex subjects into manageable, practical skills applicable in my daily work."

Abhishek Maddala

UIUX Developer

"The comprehensive placement assistance ensured a seamless transition from learning to securing a rewarding position in the IT sector."

Yugender Senkepally

UIUX Developer

"The course's structure allowed me to explore and master diverse subjects, providing a well-rounded foundation for my career."


UIUX Designer

"Constructive feedback from instructors guided my growth, turning challenges into opportunities for improvement."

Devendar Reddy

UIUX Designer

"I appreciated the emphasis on continuous learning, which has become a cornerstone of my professional development."

Vijaya Sree

Frontend Developer

Software Testing Course Overview

Careerpedia's Software testing course is a training program designed to teach individuals how to use automation testing tools and techniques to ensure the quality and functionality of software applications. This software testing course covers a range of topics, including the basics of software testing, automation frameworks, scripting languages, and specific tools commonly used in the industry.

Software Testing Course Learning Process
  • Introduction to Software Testing

  • Core Java

  • Selenium automation testing with Java

  • API’s

Introduction to Software Testing course

An introduction to software testing course typically covers the definition and purpose of testing, emphasizing its role in ensuring software quality, reliability, and performance. It includes various testing types such as manual and automated testing, as well as functional and non-functional testing. The software development lifecycle (SDLC) and the role of testing in each phase are discussed, along with different testing levels like unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing. Key methods such as black-box, white-box, and gray-box testing are introduced, along with static and dynamic testing techniques. Topics also include test planning and documentation (test plans, cases, scripts, and defect reports), test execution and reporting, and the use of testing tools and environments. Additionally, the distinction between quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) is explained, highlighting the importance of testing in delivering high-quality software that meets user needs and reduces post-deployment issues.

Core Java

Core Java teaches the basic building blocks of the Java programming language. It starts with the history and main features, like how to write code, use different types of data, and control the flow of a program. Then, it goes into object-oriented programming, which is like organizing code into reusable pieces called classes and objects. You learn about inheritance, where classes can inherit traits from each other, and interfaces, which define what methods a class should have. Other important topics include handling errors, working with collections of data, dealing with multiple tasks at once using threads, reading and writing files, and connecting databases.

Selenium Automation with Java

Selenium automation testing course with Java refers to using the Selenium WebDriver, a popular open-source tool, for automating web applications' testing, primarily using the Java programming language. Selenium WebDriver allows testers to automate interactions with web elements like buttons, forms, and links, simulating user actions such as clicking, typing, and navigating through web pages. By combining Selenium WebDriver with Java, testers can create robust and scalable test automation frameworks, leveraging Java's powerful features and libraries for test development and maintenance. This approach enables testers to write test scripts in Java, execute them using Selenium WebDriver, and integrate them into continuous integration pipelines for efficient and reliable web application testing.


This section includes a comprehensive overview of API testing using the Postman tool. Participants learn how to design, execute, and automate tests for RESTful APIs. Topics covered include understanding APIs, making requests with Postman, handling authentication, creating and organizing collections, writing tests with Postman scripts, and using environments for test parameterization. Practical exercises and real-world examples help reinforce concepts, while discussions on best practices and common challenges in API testing provide valuable insights. By the end of the course, attendees will have the skills to confidently test and validate APIs using Postman, improving the quality and reliability of their software applications.

Benefits of QA Automation Testing course in Hyderabad

Careerpedia’s QA automation testing course in Hyderabad offers numerous benefits to individuals looking to enhance their skills in software testing:

1. Career Advancement: Completing a QA automation testing course equips individuals with in-demand skills in automation testing course tools and techniques, enhancing their employability and opening up opportunities for career growth in the software testing domain.

2. Practical Knowledge: This automation testing course in Hyderabad typically includes hands-on exercises and real-world projects that provide practical experience in designing, implementing, and executing automated test cases, allowing learners to apply theoretical concepts to real scenarios.

3. Efficiency and Productivity: Automation testing courses teach participants how to automate repetitive and time-consuming testing tasks, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in software testing processes. This allows teams to focus on more strategic testing activities and deliver high-quality software faster.

4. Cost Savings: By reducing the need for manual testing efforts, QA automation testing course in Hyderabad helps organizations save costs associated with labor, resources, and time. Automated tests can be executed repeatedly without additional effort, resulting in long-term cost savings for software development projects.

5. Quality Improvement: Automation testing courses emphasize the importance of thorough testing practices and the use of automation to achieve higher levels of test coverage and accuracy. This ultimately leads to improved software quality, fewer defects, and enhanced user satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Quick answers to common questions

What is the eligibility of Careerpedia’s software testing course in Hyderabad?

Students with any graduation( UG, PG,) like B.tech, B.com, BSC, BBA, etc., are eligible for this automation testing course in Hyderabad. Students from all computer science and non-computer science backgrounds are also eligible for this software testing course.

What are the job opportunities in the QA Automation test?

After completing a QA automation testing course in Hyderabad, individuals can explore various job opportunities in software testing, including:

  • Automation Test Engineer
  • Quality Assurance Engineer
  • Software development engineer in test
  • Test automation architect
  • Continuous integration/Continuous deployment engineer
  • Quality assurance manager
  • Consultant or Freelancer, etc...
Is software testing a good career?

Yes, Software testing can be a good career option. It's in demand because software is becoming more complex, and companies need skilled testers to ensure quality and efficiency. You can grow in this field, moving up to roles like Automation Test Engineer or Test Automation Architect. Overall, if you like problem-solving and making software better, this software testing course could be a great choice for you.

Does this Software Testing course include any programming languages?

Yes, This software testing course often requires knowledge of programming languages, especially for creating and executing automated test scripts. While it's possible to use some automation testing tools with minimal or no coding required, a strong understanding of programming concepts can greatly enhance a tester's effectiveness and flexibility in designing and maintaining automated test suites.

What is the difference between manual testing and automation testing course?

Manual testing involves human testers executing test cases manually, interacting directly with the software application to validate its functionality, user interface, and usability. It relies on human judgment, intuition, and observation to identify defects and assess the quality of the software. In contrast, automation testing utilizes automation testing tools and scripts to execute test cases automatically, emulating user interactions and validating application behavior. Automation testing is ideal for repetitive tasks, regression testing, and scenarios requiring large-scale test execution across multiple configurations, providing faster and more consistent results compared to manual testing. While manual testing allows for exploratory testing and adaptability to changes, automation testing offers efficiency, scalability, and comprehensive test coverage. In practice, organizations often employ a combination of manual and automation testing approaches to achieve optimal software quality and testing efficiency.

What are the programming languages used in the QA Automation testing course in Hyderabad?

Java programming language is used in Careerpedia's QA automation testing course in Hyderabad.

Which tools are used in Careerpedia’s QA automation testing course in Hyderabad?

Tools such as Eclipse, Excel, MySQL, Visual Studio Code, Selenium, Postman etc are used in Careerpedia's QA automation testing course in Hyderabad.

What is the salary of Software Testers in Hyderabad?

The average salary of a fresher software tester in Hyderabad is 3+ LPA.

What does a QA Automation tester do?

Automation testers integrate automated tests into CI/CD pipelines, track and manage defects, and ensure application compatibility across different browsers and platforms. They follow industry best practices, continuously learn and improve their skills, and play a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and timely delivery of high-quality software products through the implementation of robust and scalable automated testing solutions.

Who can enroll in this software testing course in Hyderabad?

The course is ideal for aspiring QA testers, software developers, IT professionals looking to switch careers, and fresh graduates interested in automation testing course.

Does this software testing course in Hyderabad include hands-on projects?

Yes, Careerpedia's software testing course in Hyderabad includes hands-on projects that provide practical experience in real-world scenarios, ensuring that students can apply theoretical knowledge effectively.

Is Careerpedia’s software testing course in Hyderabad available online?

Yes, Careerpedia provides software testing courses online.

What is the duration of Careerpedia's software testing course in Hyderabad?

The average duration of Careerpedia's software testing course is 6 months.